At the Egnyte login window do not enter anything for Email / Username or Password. Instead, click ‘Other login options’ located below.


Type ‘wearebw’ in the box and click ‘Continue’


Egnyte will then initially map an ‘SSO’ drive to your laptop which will give you access to the Shared drive on Egnyte.


In order to map the ‘BW Drive’ you will need to run a script located within that ‘Shared’ folder.

Open it and browse through to: Shared > BW Drive > IT Applications > Egnyte > MapDrives

Double click ‘MapDrives.cmd’ to run the script as below:


Once the script has been run successfully, the SSO drive will disappear and will be replaced with ‘BW Drive’ You will then be able to open it as the U drive within ‘This PC’




Should the drive not automatically show, please check it has been connected by opening the Egnyte icon located in the task bar. You can access this by clicking the up arrow and clicking the Green Egnyte icon:


Within the Egnyte Connect box, under the ‘Drives’ tab ensure BW Drive shows as Connected. If it does not click the 3 dots next to it and click ‘Connect’


The Egnyte Connect box should appear as below to have the U Drive mapped correctly.


Once connected, the drive will appear as below within ‘My PC’
