If you receive an error when opening Asta, please first ensure 'Direct Access' is connected at the top of your WiFi list.
If it is showing as 'Connecting' or Blank, reboot your laptop and test again It will need to show 'Connected' as image below. Note, if it still does not connect after a reboot please speak to IT.
If Asta still requires licensing after Direct Access shows as connected, you should receive an activation prompt or similar as below please follow instructions to licence it yourself.
On the Powerproject Activation prompt, do not click Activate, instead click 'Continue Trial'
Click 'Continue Trial' again on the following prompt
Once the main Asta page loads, click 'File' at the top, click 'Activation' on the left hand side and finally click 'Configure' on the right hand side.
On the Activation Configuration Wizard, type 'bwitadmin' in the box area and click 'Next' to connect Asta to our licensing server.
You should now receive the successful activation box, please continue to 'Finish'
Please remember, Direct Access always needs to be 'Connected' to use Asta going forward. If at any time 'Direct Access' is not connected, you will not receive an Asta licence.