When someone leaves BW, doesn't mean they're gone forever... we keep their account and set up as a shared mailbox with an Out of Office, - sometimes old staff members come back, and if they do there are a few checks you need to do to make sure everything is how it should be,

1. Find the returning user in AD - will be in the ExStaff group

2. Move them to the correct OU, as designated by their job title/department

3.Un-Hide from GAL

4. Match the groups from an existing member of staff, to the returning one -> Properties -> Member of, fill this in

5.Under organisation check the signature details are correct, number matching on EE, Department / Line Manager filled in

6. Run the following scripts in powershell to remove limitations;

Remove email forwarding:

Set-Mailbox -Identity John[email protected] -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $false -ForwardingSMTPAddress $null


Clear any auto-replies:

Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity John[email protected] -AutoReplyState disabled

7. Convert from a shared mailbox to a regular mailbox using Exchange Admin centre, find the shared mailbox made in the ExStaff's name, and select convert